Lebanon Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Lebanon is 5,469,612, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 5,469,612
Population growth rate -6.68%
Birth rate 14.30 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall 75.46 years
Men 73.86 years
Women 77.13 years
Age structure
0-14 years 23.32%
15-64 years 69.65%
65 years and above 7.03%
Median age 29.40 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 0.96
Population density 525.92 residents per km²
Urbanization 87.50%
95% Arabs, 4% Armenians, Kurdish minority
Muslims 59.7% (including Shiites, Sunnis, Druze, Isma’ilites, Alawis and Nusayri), Christians 39% (including Maronites, Catholics (Roman Catholic), Orthodox Christians, Catholic, Protestants), Jews NEGL% Others 1, 3% note: 17 religious sects are recognized
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.730
HDI ranking 93rd out of 194

People in Lebanon

We do not know exactly how many people currently live in Lebanon. It is probably around seven million.

Most of the people live in the big cities like Beirut, Tripoli, Zahleh or Sidon.

Most of the residents are Arabs, followed by the Armenians and some Kurds and other population groups. In addition, there are many Palestinians who live in Lebanon, most of them in the refugee camps near the big cities. More and more refugees from Syria are going to Lebanon. Approximately 1.7 million people fled the civil war in their country to Lebanon. You have to imagine, a country with almost five million residents, the size of Hesse, takes in 1.7 million people and supplies them. Only some of the refugees are officially registered, a large number are not legally in the country. One then speaks of illegal immigration.

Languages in Lebanon

The official language in Lebanon is Arabic, but many people also speak French or English.

Religions in Lebanon

There are Muslims and Christians and a few Jews in Lebanon. But there are some subgroups in every religion, so that Lebanon has a total of 18 religious groups, all of which are officially recognized. In Lebanon you will find eleven Christian, six Muslim and one Jewish community.

The largest Christian denomination are the Maronites. There are also Roman Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Armenian Catholic and and and…

With the Muslims one differentiates again between the Shiites and the Sunnis, in addition there are the Druze, the Alawi and others. Only a few Jews live in Lebanon.

Half of the population in Lebanon is under 29 and many young people are unemployed. Many people live in poverty. Often the religious conflicts are actually social conflicts. Because one group is better off, for example the Christians, and one group is worse off, for example the Shiites, then there is envy, conflict and, in the worst case, war. In the end, people of different religions may fight, but the real conflict is that some have more and others less. So it’s more of a social conflict than a religious one, as is often the case by the way.

Lebanon Overview

Lebanon, located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, is renowned for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural landscapes. Its capital, Beirut, pulsates with life, offering a vibrant mix of ancient ruins, bustling souks, and lively nightlife. The country is famed for its delicious cuisine, influenced by Middle Eastern and Mediterranean flavors, as well as its historic sites such as the ancient city of Byblos and the awe-inspiring Baalbek ruins. Despite its relatively small size, Lebanon packs a punch with its captivating blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication.

  • Capital City: Beirut
  • Population: Approximately 6.8 million
  • Area: 10,452 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: Lebanese Republic
  • Currency: Lebanese Pound (LBP)
  • Language: Arabic
  • ISO Country Codes: LB, LBN

Bordering Countries of Lebanon

Lebanon is a small country located in the Middle East, bordered by Syria to the north and east, Israel to the south, and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. Syria is Lebanon’s largest neighbor, with a shared border of 375 miles. The two countries share similar histories as well as ethnic and religious diversity. Syria has been involved in several military conflicts with Israel since 1948, and has had an uneasy relationship with Lebanon since then. The Syrian civil war has had a major impact on Lebanon, both politically and economically.

Israel is located directly south of Lebanon, separated by just 40 miles of land. The two countries have had a strained relationship for decades due to political differences and unresolved border disputes. In 2006, Israel invaded parts of southern Lebanon during their conflict with Hezbollah militants based there. There have also been several military skirmishes between the two sides over the years. Despite this tension, there have been some attempts at cooperation between Lebanese and Israeli officials in recent years in an effort to maintain stability along their shared border.

To the west lies the Mediterranean Sea which provides Lebanon with access to international trade routes as well as providing them with important sources of income such as tourism and fishing. Aside from economic benefits, the sea also serves as an important buffer against potential threats from other countries such as Syria or Israel. The coastline also contains some beautiful scenery and beaches that attract visitors from all over the world each year.